Are Colonics Safe?

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Colonics are colon cleansing techniques using liquid, usually warm water, to flush the colon. Colonics can be referred to as colon irrigation and colon hydrotherapy. Although mainstream health practitioners disagree on the benefits and necessity of colonics, most doctors consider them perfectly safe when performed by an experienced and knowledgeable individual with proper equipment.

The safety problems that come from colonics are often the result of receiving a colonic from a poorly trained individual with not enough experience or medical knowledge. The worst case reported of a colonic gone wrong involved a woman who died when her colon wall was perforated by a tube during a colonic. Other safety hazards include nausea, vomiting and dizziness, caused by the absorption of too much water. Too much water in the system strips the body of needed electrolytes and can even cause death.

Injuries and health problems resulting from colonics are quite rare. The most common criticism is that a colonic is not a regulated medical procedure and can be performed by individuals who have little or no medical knowledge. Just as in any situation or medical practice, poorly cleaned equipment and clumsiness or carelessness can lead to illness, injury and death. If you are considering having a colonic, get to know your colonic practitioner first.

It is best to be honest about your safety concerns and discuss them with your practitioner. You can also ask him or her questions about how long he or she has been performing colonics, what kind of training he or she had and what steps does he or she take to make sure the equipment is disinfected. You may ask him or her what he or she knows about the human body, health, and safety. Remember, you want to be working with someone very knowledgeable and well-trained. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

Colonics can be nice, relaxing experiences, but, like any medical procedure, they have their risks, especially when being performed by someone who is not properly trained or licensed. Critics doubt that colonics are effective and natural, and worry that the lack of regulation makes the procedure unsafe.

If you plan to get a colonic, be safe, ask questions, and know your practitioner. Remember, although colonics are legal, they are not a regulated or certified medical practice; therefore, it is up to the consumer to make sure he or she is getting a colonic from a qualified and knowing individual.

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