Are Detox Products Necessary?

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

If someone were to ask me if detox products are necessary, I might say, “What do you mean by detox products?” If you mean special pills and tonics that promise instant weight loss or immediate results, I say no, they are absolutely not necessary. All you need to detox is healthy food, willpower and knowledge.

There are some products, two in particular, maybe three, that can make your detox more successful. These are probiotics, omega 3 supplements, and, (nice, but not necessary), wheatgrass, in either a dry powder or as a fresh juice. Each of these three items can complement a healthy, detox diet, which consists of natural foods and fresh vegetable and fruit juices.

Probiotics are simply supplements that replace the friendly bacteria in the colon and stomach. These friendly bacteria are lost because of antibiotic medicines and/or a poor diet. They can be found in pill form, and should be living supplements, which might mean they need to be refrigerated. You can also get them from drinking live-culture kombucha tea, and find it in miso, tempeh and shoyu, which are fermented soy products.

Omega 3’s are essential to cell renewal and health and can be found in many foods, including kale, and flaxseed, but are best absorbed from fish oil. Fish oil contains the perfect combination of omega 3’s, which is why we recommend it above other sources. A fish oil supplement can be a life-long thing, or something that you use while you are undoing damage and building a healthier body.

Wheat grass, is nature’s perfect food. It is antioxidant rich, contains live enzymes, and helps rebuild blood and body tissue. It is a superior source of chlorophyll, which is what helps plants resist environmental toxins, because it contains chlorophyll along with essential minerals in high concentrations. That is why, especially during the initial detox phase, wheat grass can be a great thing to have around.

Of the three, wheat grass is the least necessary, and omega 3’s from fish oil should also be thought of as an extra boost you can give your body to promote healing. Probiotics, especially if you have ever taken an antibiotic, should seriously be considered. Without the friendly bacteria in place, your body will have a harder time absorbing nutrients from food and getting rid of parasites and fungus.

As for the gimmicks, tonics, and special detox pills, don’t bother. Your body can detox better without them. Just eat raw, natural foods, and stay away from anything processed, homogenized, pasteurized, or artificially flavored and colored. Get your nutrition from food whenever you can, and let your body do what it does naturally.


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