Benefits Of A Natural Diet

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

A natural diet comes with several benefits. Raw foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are easy to process and full of nutrients. They also come without artificial flavorings, colorings or preservatives.

Eating fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds can give your body the perfect amount of fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamin C, A & E that it needs. When you eat right, you will not need to take most vitamin supplements, and you will notice that your body expends less energy digesting food, which leaves you with more energy to live your life.

Raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, will keep your body regular and your blood pH alkaline. This means that you won’t have problems with undigested food matter, rotting in your stomach, and you will be able to fight off parasites and fungus, while promoting healthy bacteria in your colon and lower intestine. Healthy bacteria, or gut flora, are your body's allies when it comes to digesting food, absorbing nutrients and keeping bowel movements regular.

The complete nutrients and antioxidants found in natural foods, along with a cleaner, healthier body, means smoother, clearer skin, strong nails and teeth, and more lustrous hair. If you have problems with brittle nails, low tooth enamel, acne, or dull, dry or oily hair, a more natural diet can help.

Skin, teeth, hair and nails are among the first to show signs of poor nutrition or toxicity. Luckily they are also the most powerful evidence of health and vitality. Your waistline will also show signs of a healthier lifestyle, and you will be thinner, more fit, and will be able to build muscle faster when you are healthy.

If you are wondering whether diet can do all of these things for you, we encourage you to do your own research. You will find that diet is linked with many diseases and ailments, there is even evidence that mysterious diseases, like lupus and asthma, can be controlled through diet. Certainly cancers, heart problems, diabetes and obesity are related to a poor diet and exposure to chemicals, especially dyes and preservatives, that can be found in foods.

On the other hand, those who eat healthier diets live longer, have fewer health problems, have more energy, fewer dental problems, and fuller lives. Energy and health, which we get directly from our foods, are the factors that get people out into the world to live life to its fullest. A healthy diet is the first link in a chain of better living, which means a more positive lifestyle and greater health and vitality.

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