Body Detox Tips

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Want some great tips for getting the most out of your detox? You found them! Here are some great ways to maximize your detox experience, and boost your health and energy in the process.

1. Plan, plan, plan. Create the time and space for your detox, know how it is going to go down, and stick to your plan and your schedule. It doesn’t mean that you can’t detox anywhere, anytime; you can.  The point is to know where you are going to be, set a date, and get as much information as you can before you start.

2. Prepare. Pre-purchase any supplements, like omega 3 supplements or probiotics,  get the old foods out of your house, and buy new ingredients before your start date. This will get you excited and ready to go.

3. Plan to use a probiotic. Probiotics are going to help regulate your bowels and intestines and speed the cleansing and healing process. You need them to replace the intestinal flora that have been destroyed, either by a poor diet, or because of antibiotic medications.

4. Ease into it. Don’t load yourself up on candy and sugar the night before. As the time for your detox approaches, gradually start removing the items from your diet, like caffeine and sugar, that you will eventually be eliminating. It can help lessen the shock, and it will increase your chances of success.

5. Juice. You should plan to purchase or borrow a juicer for a few weeks if you don’t already own one. Juice is the best way to get your body the healthy and healing nutrients it needs, and fresh juice is so much better than the kind you buy at the store.

6. Get support. Even if you only get it from one friend or family member, it is so much better than going solo. A friend can encourage you, and hold you accountable, which will make you want to stick with your detox and make it a success.

7. Don’t cheat. Not even a little. You are working to undo years of damage, and to overcome food addictions. Instead, if you find that you are really wanting a sugary treat, question your craving. What is that treat really going to do for you in the long run? Nothing. Let it go.

8. Drink your water. It might be the single best thing you can do. Keeping yourself hydrated is going to minimize cravings, discomforts and tiredness. It will also speed the detox process and make it more effective.

9. Stay positive. Don’t let negative emotions steer you away from your goal. You will feel tired and irritable, but try to laugh it off, get plenty of rest, and stay strong.

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