How Omega 3's Can Save Your Life

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the building blocks of our cells and can help our bodies fight aging, cancer, and heart disease. Recent studies on the intake of Omega 3 fatty acids suggest that they can prevent colon cancer and heart attacks, even in high-risk patients.

These findings have medical scientists excited. Omega 3 fatty acids have long been known to be beneficial to our health, but only recently has medical science undertaken to examine the potential of these fats for protecting us from such common diseases as heart attacks and cancer. The fact that increased Omega 3 intake lowered instances of death from heart attacks and other natural causes has scientists eager to learn more.

Omega 3 fatty acids belong to a family of polyunsaturated fats that are on the list of essential nutrients. These fatty acids are necessary for the blood, the heart, the circulatory system, and the brain. Intake of fatty acids regulates blood pressure and heart attack risk, can reduce anxiety and depression, and increase circulation.

It is also important to note that there are three fatty acids belonging to the family of essential nutrients, and these are linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexainoic acid (DHA). Most of the current products on the market contain only Linolenic acid, and do not carry the health benefits of the other two omega 3’s. Since each of the three, Linolenic acid, DHA, and EPA are essential for your health, you should always look for sources, such as fish oil, that contain all three.

Fish oil is one of the healthiest and most complete sources of Omega 3’s available. It contains each essential fatty acid, and presents them in a readily absorbed form for the body. Salmon and flax are also excellent food sources for omega 3 fatty acids.

Vegetarian sources of Omega 3’s are hemp oil, flax oil, and kiwi fruits. Although fish is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, the amount of mercury currently found in seafood is a good reason to limit fish intake and get omega 3’s from other sources. Flax and Chia Sage are especially rich sources.

However you choose to get your omega 3’s, their numerous benefits make them one essential nutrient worth paying attention to. Medical science is just beginning to understand the impact of omega 3 fatty acids on good health and longevity. For now, it is enough to know that Omega 3’s help keep your heart, your blood, and your mind disease-free.

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