How To Eat Healthy

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

While eating healthy seems like common sense, it can actually become confusing. With so many food items available, it can be hard to know what the best food choices are. Many people fall for marketing gimmicks, which claim to be selling a healthy product, but are actually just selling a low fat or chemically sweetened product that doesn’t provide much in the way of true nutrition, and can even contain artificial ingredients.

That is why many people are surprised to learn that the foods they eat each day are actually not healthy, but can even be considered mildly poisonous. Pesticides, chemically altered foods, and herbicides are to be found everywhere in the American diet. Even natural foods can be considered toxic when they are being sprayed with certain pesticides and herbicides.

All of this means that If you want to eat healthy you need to change the way you see food. One tip is to start eating raw, natural, organic vegetables and fruits whenever you can, instead of eating refined foods, breads, and dairy products. Eating raw is a great way to feel certain that what you are eating is actually good for you.

Another thing you can do is start paying attention to the types of meat you eat, and how much. Eating only organic meats, and avoiding deli meats, will remove many Cancer causing agents from your diet. You should also limit your meat intake in favor of more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Avoid sugars, refined flour, and packaged foods. Refined sugar and flour are difficult for your body to break down. Eating refined sugar causes the blood sugar to spike and is hard on the liver, kidneys and pancreas. Refined white flour is sticky and glue-like in the bowels and very difficult to digest.

Finally, eat organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible. There is certain produce that is especially bad for you when not organic, such as strawberries and spinach. Other vegetables, however, can be purchased in the inorganic variety because their growing conditions do not warrant the use too many harmful herbicides and pesticides. Some examples of fruits and veggies that do not need to be organic are onions, garlic, and avocados.

When it comes to eating healthy, just remember, trust nature, not marketing. Companies are working hard to deceive you into thinking their products are healthy. They also want to make you believe that the chemicals and fillers that make it cheap for them to do business are not as harmful as they really are.

Don’t buy it. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, and free range meats. Choose organic, whole grains, and eat fewer breads and refined foods. Then you can be certain you are eating healthy.

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