Is Red Meat Good For You?

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

In a study linking the eating of red meat to colon cancer, The University of Auklland, in New Zealand discovered that too much red meat can be correlated to higher instances of colon cancer. The researchers then went on to state that, although the study showed that too much red meat can cause colon cancer, red meat also contains essential nutrients and cancer fighting agents. Therefore, they believe that small amounts of red meat in a balanced healthy diet can actually be good for you.

Another factor that was considered along with the consumption of red meat is certain toxins that might be introduced during cooking of the meat, or in the processing. Since marinades and certain spices, as well as common dyes and preservatives, often contain carcinogens, those doing the study reasoned that, usually, cooking and preserving methods are responsible for the added cancer causing agents in the red meat.

The recommendation? Go ahead, eat some red meat once in a while. When you do, just be certain that you eat organic, grass fed animals, that have not had dyes or other things added. Also, skip the store bought marinade and use natural ingredients.

Eating organic, grass fed beef, for instance, is also a good way to get omega 3’s Omega 3’ s are essential for brain and immune function, and also fight cancer. They are not available in grain fed beef, and only come from animals fed a natural, grass diet.

Another way to get your B vitamins and other nutrients from red meat without the cancer risk is to eat fresh vegetables with your meat portions. Fresh vegetables, especially broccoli, spinach, kale, or carrots, contain fiber, vitamins, and cancer fighting antioxidants. They can balance the high fat content of red meat, and help your body eliminate the meat better.

One reason red meat might cause problems is that is difficult for the stomach and colon to break down. That is why if you add red meat to a poor diet, cancer can be a huge health risk. Red meat rotting in the colon can cause cells to mutate, and cancer to form.

In conclusion, there is no reason to exclude red meat completely. It actually can be very good for you as a source of protein, vitamin B12, and omega 3’s. Just be careful that you are not taking in foreign substances with your meat; buy organic and eat it with fresh, raw vegetables.

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