Magnesium - The Relaxation Mineral

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Magnesium is one the most important minerals in your body, and the most fourth most abundant. It is found in the cells, the body organs, the bones, and the brain. The body works very hard to keep the blood about 1% magnesium consistently.

Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keep the heart rhythm steady, support the immune system, and keep bones strong. It is a truly important nutrient, and most of us suffer from a deficiency in magnesium, simply because it is missing in a normal, Western diet. But diet isn't the only problem.

When people are stressed, unhealthy, taking diuretics or laxatives, or on certain prescription medications, magnesium levels go down, increasing muscle tension and mental and emotional stress. The loss of magnesium causes tensions all over the body. Tense moods and muscles and sensitive nerves are a result of magnesium deficiency.

In fact, one can easily see that a cycle between stress and magnesium loss, magnesium loss and stress, can lend itself to an anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue, and hypertension. When we don't have enough magnesium, we feel stressed: Our stress triggers more magnesium loss: Magnesium loss triggers more stress and anxiety.

For this reason, a diet rich in magnesium can calm your body and your mind. It will relax all of your body muscles, ease mental and emotional tension, increase circulation, and encourage deep, healthy breathing. Supplements might also be necessary.

Magnesium supplements are all over the market. The best ones are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, because they are easily absorbed. Magnesium citrate is difficult to absorb, but is the cheapest and most common. Malate, Succinate and Fumarate are about middle of the road.

Foods that contain magnesium include spinach, almonds, kelp, avocado, rye, parsley, and garlic, just to name a few. Foods that strip magnesium include salt, colas, coffee, sugar, and alcohol. Stress, laxatives, and prescription medications also lower magnesium levels.

Now that you know how important magnesium is, start watching for it in the foods you eat. Ask yourself, is this increasing or decreasing my magnesium levels? Remember, if you often feel stressed and anxious, lack of magnesium may be to blame.

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