Omega Three Fatty Acids Prevent Abnormal Tissue Growth In The Bowels

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Omega three fatty acids refer to a type of long chain polyunsaturated fat that occurs naturally in certain foods. They are most notably found in fish, oils, and seeds. Pumpkin, flax and hemp seeds, olive oil, fish oil, flax oil, albacore tuna, salmon, and lake trout, are all foods rich in omega threes.

Vegetable sources include broccoli, squash, raspberries, strawberries, and romaine lettuce. Other non-vegetarian sources include free range, grass fed beef, wheat germ, and free range poultry. This wide variety of sources makes omega threes very prevalent in a natural diet, but, unfortunately most of us do not eat a natural diet.

The majority of us take our food from processed or factory farmed sources, eating little to no flax or hemp, few lean, free range meats, fewer vegetables and seeds. As a result, our diets are severely lacking in Omega three fatty acids, and about 1 out of every 17 Americans is at risk for colon cancer, genetic factors aside (statistic from

The significance of the omega three fatty acids in relation to abnormal tissue growth, or Cancer, is that omega threes promote healthy cell growth. A cancer cell is an abnormal growth in the tissue, and tissue is composed of a group of cells. When omega threes are present, cell division and new cell growth can happen in a healthy way, preventing cancer.

In a clinical trial, researchers set out to study the link between intake of omega threes and instances of colorectal cancer. They studied a high risk sample of whites and African Americans and concluded that, in both groups, higher intake of long chain omega threes, like those found in fish and flaxseed, significantly decreased risk and development of abnormal tissue growth and subsequent cancer.

The study’s findings are important, since they prove the benefits of a healthy diet. Omega-3s are found in a variety of healthy, easy to obtain foods, but many Americans still lack a significant source in their diets. This can only serve to point out that the current, common Western Diet of highly processed meats, dairy, and convenience foods is a major cause of poor health.

To start getting more omega threes in your diet, you should switch to free range, grass fed beef or chicken immediately. Avoid deli meats, which are full of carcinogens, and opt for more leafy green vegetables, flax, brazil nuts and walnuts. You can also take a supplement in the form of fish oil to boost your omega three intake right away. Just don’t take a fish oil supplement as a replacement for a healthy diet, it won't do as much good.

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