Today Body Detox In Just 14 Days

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

You can detox your body in just fourteen days, and you can start right now. That is because you don’t need anything special to detox. All you need is healthy, raw vegetables and fruits, a little knowledge, and a firm commitment to cleansing your body for the next two weeks. You may even find that it is so easy, and it feels so good, you won’t go back to your normal diet.

That is because simple dietary changes can naturally, safely, and effectively cleanse the body and make you feel great. By eliminating caffeine and refined sugar, flour, and dairy from your diet right now, you can begin the cleansing process. These foods are toxic foods, which cause the build up of mucus and food wastes, poison the body, and make the blood pH too acidic. Eating them can seriously effect your health in the short and long term.

So, what you can eat is much more fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Avoid preservatives, saturated fats, and all convenience foods or foods with a shelf life. Especially increase your intake of raw, dark, leafy greens, totally avoid deli meats, and limit your intake of meats to a few times a week and only natural, grain fed, free range animals.

In the mornings, before noon, eat only raw, natural fruit, and drink a decaffeinated herbal tea. There are a variety of healthy, delicious herbal teas, like Yerba Mate, that can help with the detox process and satisfy your desire for a warm, invigorating morning beverage. Eating fruit will also give you plenty of energy, fiber, and nutrients to start your day. Eat this type of breakfast just once and be surprised at the amount of energy you have all morning long.

Throughout the rest of your day, try to make the majority of your diet consist of raw vegetables, nuts and seeds. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat a cooked meal for dinner, or enjoy some bread or a whole grain muffin, it just means that you are taking in plenty of vegetables, like carrots, broccoli, kale, and other nutrient-rich veggies. This way, you will be giving your body cleansing, healing nutrients, and living enzymes from raw foods.

Also, make sure you choose organic fruits and vegetables, since the pesticides found on non-organic varieties can really harm you. A cleansing program is, in part, about getting rid of those toxins, so you don’t want to be taking more in during the process. This way, the antioxidants and vitamins that occur naturally in the food can go toward healing your body and not fighting off newly introduced toxins.

If you begin to cleanse in this way, you will feel better and have more energy in just fourteen days. Don’t wait, it is easy, and the sooner you start, the better you will feel.

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