What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a colon cleansing method that uses a plastic tube and a machine to push warm water through the colon. The tube is inserted into the anus, and the water is then pumped through the colon until the patient starts to feel “full”. The water is then released back out the anus, carrying with it fecal matter and other substances within the colon and intestines. The procedure is repeated many times, and normally followed by a bowel movement.

As a method for cleaning the bowels, colon hydrotherapy is very effective. The warm water breaks fecal matter loose and flushes it out of the colon, ridding the body of old, dead matter. Most patients undergo a series of “flushes” when starting out, and continue to get hydrotherapy, or colonics periodically after that.

Colon Hydrotherapy is also referred to as colon irrigation and colonics. It should always be done by a well-trained professional with proper equipment, which includes a colonics, or hydrotherapy machine, which can control water temperature and pressure. The patient is often asked to wear a gown with an opening near the buttocks for access, but is otherwise fully covered, and should be made to feel very comfortable. In addition to the hydrotherapy, some providers also use aromatic oils and massage to encourage the bowels to release.

While Hydrotherapy can be extremely helpful, it should never be considered as a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Colon irrigation is meant to complement a healthy, regular diet, and can be very soothing during a detox or a cleansing diet. The hydrotherapy can help your system flush toxins faster than normal, and increase bowel movements and colon health. During a cleanse, colon hydrotherapy can decrease the intensity of a healing crisis, in which nausea or illness is present due to a high amount of toxins flooding the colon for elimination.

If you choose to undergo colon hydrotherapy, it is best to research providers in your area, and get a referral if possible. Remember that you want a trained individual with the proper equipment for your safety and comfort. Also, if you plan your colonic for a time when you will be doing a fast or a detox, you can increase its effectiveness and decrease your negative detox symptoms. The last thing you want to do, however, is use colonics in place of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Colon hydrotherapy should always be thought of as a part of living well and being fit, not a replacement for good diet and exercise.

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