What You Should Know About Meat And Colon Health

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

In a clinical study*, a population sample of European men and women were monitored for ten years to see if the amount of red or processed meat they consumed was related to the later development of colon cancer. They were also studied to see if higher intakes of fish (omega threes) decreased their risk of cancer.

Red and processed meats, for the study, refers to non-grass fed beef, and any deli meats or processed, prepared meats. The conclusion of the study was that these red meats and processed meats did increase the instances of colon cancer among the adults studied. For the adults who consumed more fish proportionate to red or processed meats, the instances of cancer were substantially lower.

So what does that mean when it comes to meat and colon health? It means that a diet high in processed meats can be toxic to the colon and, overtime, lead to polyps and cancer. A diet high in fish, however, which has omega threes, can significantly decrease the risk of colon cancer.

This does not mean that you should never eat red meat again. While you should avoid eating deli meats, which are very bad for you, a small amount of red meat is actually good for you and contains vitamin B12 and other cancer fighting agents. Red meat can even contain omega threes, but you must be certain that it is organic, and from a free range, grass fed animal.

Factory farmed animals are fed a diet full of fillers, animal parts, grains, and hormones. These animals are cared for poorly, and the result is that they are ultimately toxic to our bodies. After all, if you eat an unhealthy animal, you, in turn, become unhealthy.

When it comes to fish, there is no current study linking greater health and wild caught vs. factory farmed fish; however there is a known presence of omega threes in the following types of fish that can be found wild caught or factory farmed: Albacore Tuna, Salmon, Lake Trout, halibut, and cod.

Whether you choose factory farmed or wild-caught, fish is a great addition to your diet, and a good replacement for any kind of processed meats or factory farmed beef. Fish is tasty and healthful, but even it deserves some moderation.

The most important thing you can do is to eat a natural, balanced diet. You should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and small amounts of lean meats. Avoid dairy and processed foods, and get plenty of exercise.

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