Your Skin - An Overlooked Yet Powerful Cleansing Organ

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Unlike other organs which are contained safely inside your skin and bones, your skin works on the outside to protect you. All three layers of your skin are responsible for cleansing and protecting your inner body from harmful substances.

Your pores, which secrete sweat, are the parts of your skin that allow toxins to flow out of your body. These can easily become clogged, resulting in skin eruptions which themselves can be the result of either internal or external toxins that are trying to get out, or are not being allowed in.

Although most people know that they could never live without their skin, they also underestimate the cleansing power of this most visible and important organ. The skin, if treated properly, can effectively eliminate many toxins through the pores and through cell regeneration.

Because your pores and the sweating process allow impurities to leave the body and because the outer layers of the skin are shed to be replaced by fresh, new cells, the skin can potentially cleanse and renew us constantly.

Just like any organ, if the skin is overloaded it can lose its ability to function properly. That is why for the skin, as for the rest of the body, proper care and maintenance are absolutely necessary.

Proper care starts with the diet. A healthy diet, consisting of raw foods, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables is good for the skin, supplies nutrients for cellular regeneration, and provides antioxidants to help with elimination. The proper amounts of essential minerals and electrolytes encourages healthy sweating and carries toxins out through the pores.

Cooked fats, toxic foods, and allergenic foods such as wheat, dairy, and soy, are very aggravating to the skin.  If you have a poor complexion, these foods should be eliminated at once and fresh, whole foods should replace them.  You will see a difference in your skin in less than a week if your diet is properly nourishing to your skin.

Maintenance comes in the form of cleansing and caring for the skin. Scrubbing the skin briskly with a loofa or a microfiber wash cloth, using pure soaps, and alternating between hot and cool water can help shed dead, dry skin, open and cleanse overworked pores, invigorate the skin, and exercise the skin organ by opening and closing pores, and shrinking and expanding the skin.

Both proper diet and exercise and the maintenance and cleansing of the skin is important to help your skin work for you. The skin is an amazing organ, and it is right there for us to touch, see and care for. If your skin is unhappy or unhealthy, you won’t be able to ignore the signs, nor should you.

Take care of your skin properly and your healthy, happy self will shine through it.


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