How To Combat Obesity Naturally

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

There is a natural way to combat obesity that doesn’t involve starving, tricky diets, hormone injections, or prescription pills. Obesity, like any disease, has a cause, and since it has a cause, it has a solution also. The main cause of obesity today is the food we eat.

The food that most Americans eat is loaded with fats, sugars, chemicals, and other ingredients that are actually toxic foods to our bodies. These foods cause imbalances in our bodies, especially affecting our pH balance, and destroy the friendly bacteria that help our intestines with digestion. When the pH balance of the body is off and the digestive tract is unhealthy, these factors combine with our unnatural, unhealthy food to cause obesity and other illnesses.

Obesity is something that is both genetic, since some people have a predisposition to it, and a by-product of the foods we eat. For all of us, trans fats, refined sugars, and food additives are going to cause illness, but for some of us, these foods have the added affect of causing us to become morbidly overweight. The solution, then, is to change your diet to get rid of the foods that are harmful to your body, and know that when you do, your whole body will be healthier, leaner, and fitter.

So, if you want to naturally combat obesity, it is very important that you start avoiding refined sugars, flours, and other processed carbohydrates. It is also essential that you stop eating candy, potato chips, crackers, processed meats, and dairy. All of these foods are burdening your body, upsetting your pH balance, and wreaking havoc on your digestive system.

Another big one is caffeine. I know that you probably think that a cup of black coffee is okay, but the problem with caffeine is that it is extremely acidic, and it causes your body to become acidic as well. Not only that, but caffeine is addictive and causes moodiness and exhaustion when its crazy highs are follwed by sagging lows.

To combat obesity, fatigue, and disease, you need fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, lots of water instead of sodas and juices and lean, hormone-free meats. None of these foods contain one bit of refined ingredients and they all provide nutrition, a feeling of fullness, and a lot of energy. Nutrition, satisfaction and energy are exactly what you need if you want to battle obesity.

Exercising and eating right are the best way to keep your body healthy. In America, we tend to have so many choices that we just don’t know what is healthy anymore. Now that you know that refined foods are part of the problem, and that healthy food is the solution, learn about how cleansing can help you change your eating habits for good.


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